Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification Prep. This section we concentrate on GCP cloud digital leader exam questions. GCP Cloud digital leader has four section in certification exam , Google cloud has 200+ services for basic exam . Introduction to Digital Transformation with Google – 10 % Questions in the exam…
The DELETE FROM statement in SQL is used to remove records from a table. Note: The DELETE FROM command cannot delete any rows of data that would violet FOREIGN KEY or other Constraints. Syntax: DELETE FROM “table_name” WHERE “condition”; The WHERE clause is very important here. Without specifying a condition,…
In SQL, the DISTINCT keyword is used in SELECT statement to retrieve unique values from a database table. Any duplicate value will show up only once. Syntax: SELECT DISTINCT “column_name” FROM “table_name”; In the above syntax “table_name” is the name of the table where data is stored, and “column_name” is…
The SELECT statement in SQL is used to retrieve data from a relational database. Syntax for to select one column: SELECT “column_name” FROM “table_name”; Syntax for to select more than one column: SELECT “column_name1″[,”column_name2”] FROM “table_name”; Syntax for to select ALL : SELECT * FROM “table_name”; In the above all…
The UPDATE statement is used to modify/update data in a database table. SYNTAX: UPDATE statement is used to modify one column or multiple columns at a time. The syntax for updating one column is : UPDATE “table_name” SET “column_1” = [new value] WHERE “condition”; The syntax for updating multiple columns…
Q: When a Sprint is done ? When all Sprint Backlog items are done When the Product Owner considers it done, with any appropriate reason When the timebox expires When all Sprint Backlog tasks are done Explanation : Sprints are time boxed and they are not extendable. Some time boxes have…
Today we are going observe how we can swap two numbers using python First we will follow the old model of swapping two numbers using third variable . Next we will see how we can swap with out third variable . Advantage of python we have in variable declarations .
Serverless products Managed services Database offerings Load balancing Load balancing in GCP HTTPS load balancing From internet to my vm’s . Now you can configure 1. Backend configuration Backend services with HTTP with time out . Along with this configure services . 2. Host and path rules Useful incase of…
Many SaaS companies are doing just that, from big players like Salesforce and Hubspot to smaller startups, which understand the power of building a community of interested individuals who can answer questions, act as quasi-evangelists and give the company honest feedback about products and services. The rise of Slack and Discord are related to this trend…
The data has already been misused. The culprit searched for three phone numbers, and re-registered the account of one user. Signal doesn’t store chat histories or contacts online, so the breach shouldn’t have revealed other sensitive details. Signal is taking steps to limit the damage. It will unregister the app…